
Oct 8, 2011

Strange Animal Defenses

So I haven't done much on the animal kingdom but, I am a big fan. One of my most favorite shows is the Animal Planet's "Most Extreme." The insect pictured above is the Camponotus saundersi from Malaysia. This ant goes all suicide bomber and blows it self up when it feels threatened.
It doesn't just pop. It squirts a sticky corrosive ooze out in all directions from it head causing the his enemy to die  slowly while being unable to move.


This stinky son of a b, as most people know smell like arse. The smell is described in Wikipedia as "a combination of the odors of rotten eggs, garlic and burnt rubber." Many people think that the odor they emit is like a gas, the ones I have encountered, have sprayed like a squirt gun. A fun fact about these little beasts is they can only spray about 10 feet which just so happens to be their range of vision. So my helpful hint is, don't let this little stinker see you or your'e going to need a tomato soup bath.

This sassy little thing is slightly retarded. He is the reason people say the term "Play Possum." This things defense the to play dead so it's enemies aren't excited about the fight and leave it alone. My Wife's old dog Hershey would get these things and bring them to the door step. I would always imagine Hershey saying "Look what I got for you!"
The problem with playing possum is, sometimes your aren't playin. 90% of the time (actual figure that I did math for(not really)) it was actually dead. I would just let the possums sit out there to make sure it was dead before I bagged it. I didn't want that thing to wake up when it's in the trash bag and attack me and give me rabies. Eff that.

Hag Fish
This thing has a gnarly defense! The Hag Fish will toss some slime out to defend it self. It isn't like a squid where the purpose is to confuse the predator, the slime actually thickens in the water. This makes it so the Hag Fish can escape while the predator is in an uzi ooze net. Disgusting, just watch the bideo.

Bombardier Beetle
The "Stink Bug" is a puss compared to this guy. He squirts a boiling hot liquid from it's abdomen, burning his enemies.

Horned Lizard
This guy is UBER! You see him and think, dang those horns are a good defense. But that isn't why he is on this count down... This guys weird defense is that he, wait for it, SQUIRTS BLOOD FROM HIS EYES! "...when attacked, it pressures its own sinus cavities until the blood vessels in its eyes burst, and it sprays its attacker with blood from its eyes." Web Ecoist
Peep it.

If you wanna see a few more check out Web Ecoist
Pictures from Web Ecoist and Weird Animals

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