
Oct 31, 2011

Volum3+'s Battlefield 3 Review

I've been playing BF3 for a few hours now and overall it's pretty good. I pre-ordered it for PC through Origin. Hit the jump for my break down.


The multiplayer, just like all the other Battlefield games, it is where the action is at. I haven't had a chance to play many of the different maps but the ones I did were a blast. Now as a disclaimer, I really do love the multiplayer. Like A LOT. It is the most fun I have had in a shooter in a long time.

**Update I have now played through both sides of all the maps. There are a few that I absolutely love and some I despise. Since it is easier to talk ess about it em, I will. Let's start with Metro Conquest. This map is absolute garbage, so much in fact, I have unchecked it from the map I am looking for when starting a game. It is a FARM FEST. US get's farmed and the Russians farm them. There are 3 choke points on the map, all just before the middle flag (coming from the US side). The map should actually be called "Nade and Rockets Farm Fest" because that is the only thing done in this map. The only way to advance is if 1 team is realllllllyyyyy good and the other is a reallllllyyyy bad team.

When playing Bad Company 2 multiplayer I really enjoyed the helicopter, but now, if there are jets in the air, watch out. I couldn't last 2 min in the sky with them flying around. Also the controls for the heli seem much more sensitive. Also there is now heat seeking shoulder rockets making it even more difficult to be a chopper pilot. One of my favorite things to do is take down choppers with these rockets.

  The tanks are still a blast, unless you get hit. They regenerate on their own once out of combat but, it seemed to me they get blown up REAL quick. It wouldn't be a problem for me if they didn't have the "disabled" feature, where after the first big hit the tank then moves UBER slow and you are basically a sitting duck. The only way not to die is to get out and repair the tank. If you do this, chances are your tank will still blow up (killing you) or you repair your tank to 75% while still getting blasted, get in get 1 more shot off and then die inside the tank when it blows up. 1 thing cool about the tanks is they now have a "Boost," similar to sprint when you are on foot.

Anti Air is well, uber, hands down. With this beast, you have 2 30mm cannons that can disable a tank after 1 clip or destroy a jet or chopper. They can aim low too, so you can also mow down infantry. There is an unlock where get 2 AA missiles, heat seeking, timing these correctly (about the same timing as a Mario Kart Red Shell) you can take anything out of the sky with 2 shots. But be careful your enemy doesn't dump his flares off, or your missiles will miss by a long shot. It's best to just lock on and wait for them to dump em.

Single player

For the most part single player is pretty fun. The story isn't as good a MW2 but still fun. I have also noticed in BF3, it seems to me they are trying to copy a bit of the CoD series with the story and some game play. 2 examples, holding shift to "hold your breath" when using the some scopes and then also playing story mode as different people. BC2 you played as 1 man working your way through with 1 squad. BF3 you play a man telling a story of a few different people's points of view.

I have only run into a few small annoyances/ bugs.
1) Enemy AI, not the best. Sure they do what they are scripted to do but you would think after a while their buddies would say "The last 5 of my friends were shot when they stood there; maybe I should try something else."
2) Friendly AI, also not the best. When prompted to "follow" a unit, and you get ahead, the unit will stay in its cover until you come back to it instead of just advancing with you.
3) I found a game stopping bug. When I say game stopping, I mean I had to restart the checkpoint because I couldn't advance anymore. It was at the part with the roll up door (I don't want to spoil anything for you guys).

Volum3Plus' game rating-

Single player- 3.5 out of 5 (It just needs a more compelling story and brighten those levels up a bit)
Mulitplayer- 4.8 out of 5 (only because no game is perfect, but this is close to it)

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