
Sep 22, 2011

When LARPing becomes IRLing

In this trailer for Knights of Badassdom live action role playing goes from not so fun and games to a real fight with a Succubus. This film looks pretty funny I must say my dear Sir.

The X-Men Bathroom (pic)

I hope this becomes the standard for bathroom signs everywhere.

If Computer Problems Were Real (video)

Wait-- your office doesn't have this happen every day?

Sep 20, 2011

PWNED: Online Gamers Decipher AIDS-like Virus Enzyme Structure

Today, I conquered a monomeric protease enzyme. Tomorrow, Azeroth!
Gamers pride! Within three weeks, a group of gamers managed to create an accurate model of the structure of an AIDS-like virus enzyme which had stumped scientists for years, using an online video game called Foldit. Read more after the jump.

Sep 19, 2011

Amazing Moustache Video

Everyone should grow a moustache at some point in their lives. This is a short video on how all wonderful actors would look with Tom Selleck's glorious moustache.

GameFly is in Trouble with Qwikster in the Mix!

Many different sites are talking about how Netflix is "splitting up" so they have 1 company that deals with internet streaming and 1 that deals with DVD rental. Who cares? Lets talk about what is on the bottom right corner of that table! A freakin' Xbox controller!