
Aug 15, 2011

Terrifying Robot Takeover: Google Cars

Didn't ANYONE watch all those robot apocalypse movies over the years? Well, I did, and I can just tell ya: this is how it starts. First they're in our search engines learning about us through cookies, then they're in our phones learning how we type, then they're in our cars watching where we go and what we do in the car, next thing you know, they're in bed with us. Well, that is, if you don't already sleep with you phone wrapped in your hand's embrace. Who knows, you may have already done it with your phone. Don't think I don't know about those "sensual massage" apps. I just hope you stuck a condom on that thing. Phones are whores. That vibrating app hasn't helped just you, buddy, and it's not like your phone wouldn't go there for anyone. Where was I going with this? Oh yeah. Our phones are aliens that are studying us just so they can take over one day. There, I said it. You've been warned.
Anyway, if you also would get down and dirty with a robot and welcome our imminent sexy robot masters, watch the new Google Robocar race some hostages around a track in the above video.

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