
Aug 30, 2011

WTF Lucas: If it ain't broke, why ruin it?!

So, I'm genuinely mortified by what I've been hearing about the new blu-ray Star Wars Trilogy that's coming out on September 6th. Now, Badass Digest has confirmed that Vader lets out an unbelievably unnecessary and climax-killing "Noooooooo!!" as he picks up the Emperor at the end of Return of the Jedi. Sorry if that was a spoiler for you...but if you've never seen the movie, you really don't deserve to be on planet earth.
Video after the jump.

This is almost as bad as when I sat through the Jar Jar Binks catastrophe. I'm still getting therapy for the mental anguish that guy has caused me. Here is the special edition version and a somewhat crappy quality clip from the unedited scene.


After seeing that, I'd love to sit down with George Lucas and have a little chat with him about what a good job he and his cohorts did back in the day. I'd like to show him the faces of all the smiling geeks, geeklings, and just ordinary people who enjoyed the movie just the way it was when it came out. We don't need all the CG, voice-overs, and edited soundtrack. Really, we probably don't even need the original trilogy remastered and re-released as the umpteenth edition every year and a half. And really, Lucas, do you need more money THAT much? Stop sacrificing all that is good and epic about Star Wars!

Anyway, Obi-wan's call when he's scaring off the Sand People in A New Hope has also been changed. Here's the video below. Heck, it made me laugh a little in the middle of my tears, maybe it will have the same effect on you.

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